
XANGE: The Start-Up Growth Guide

**Title: Human Factor by YANIRO Podcast – Best HR Practices for Startups Revealed**

Welcome to the Human Factor by YANIRO podcast! I’m Alexis Eve, and every Wednesday, I delve deep into the world of the most dynamic startups to explore their best HR practices that enable them to leverage the Human Factor as a growth accelerator rather than a risk. The Human Factor is not just a buzzword; it’s also the title of our first book! Within its 100 pages, you will find insights from the most successful startups and actionable tips on topics such as associate alignment, organizational adaptation, and cultivating a positive work relationship.

In this episode, we have Pauline Paquet, an expert from XAnge, joining us as our guest. XAnge is a renowned French venture capital fund that invests in early-stage startups across various industries, including well-known startups like Welcome to the Jungle and Ledger. Pauline specializes in supporting the companies XAnge finances and has extensive experience in the startup ecosystem, having worked as an entrepreneur, consultant, and program manager.

During this conversation, Pauline shares valuable insights on HR challenges startups face at various stages of their growth, particularly between funding rounds. She highlights the common priorities and pitfalls during each stage, revealing an inside perspective on how startups structure and navigate their growth journey.

Watch the full video to gain a helicopter view of the different phases a startup goes through, the key areas of focus during each stage, and the potential challenges encountered along the way. Whether you’re a startup founder, investor, or simply curious about the inner workings of the startup world, this podcast episode is a must-watch!

Connect with Pauline Paquet on [LinkedIn]( or contact her via email at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]).

For more information about XAnge, visit their [website](

**Resources Recommended by Pauline:**

– [Tribes]( – A content hub for HR professionals and numerous Slack communities, such as ESG Connect and Growth Marketing France.

**Recommended Tools:**

– [Welcome to the Jungle Café]( – An application designed for hybrid remote team management.

*Note: This is an optimized description for search engine optimization (SEO) purposes. The original video description has been rewritten while incorporating relevant keywords and elements to improve visibility and discoverability.*

Bienvenue dans le podcast du HUMAN FACTOR by YANIRO, je m’appelle Alexis Eve et tous les mercredis je vais à la rencontre des Startups les plus véloces pour rentrer en détails dans les bonnes pratiques RH qui leur permet de faire du Facteur Humain un levier de croissance plutôt qu’un risque !

Le Human Factor ce n’est pas qu’un Buzzword, c’est aussi le nom de notre premier livre !

Les clés de l’alignement entre associé.e.s, d’une organisation adaptée ou encore de la bonne relation à son travail, The Human Factor c’est 100 pages de retours terrain des plus belles startups et de bonnes pratiques actionnables.

Vous pouvez retrouver Pauline Paquet sur Linkedin, et voici son mail pour la contacter : [email protected] web de XAnge :

Ressources recommandées par Pauline :Les contenus de Tribeset de nombreuses communautés Slack, comme ESG Connect, Growth Marketing France…

Outils recommandés par Pauline :Welcome to the JungleCafé, une application pour la gestion des équipes en remote de manière hybride.

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