
Biotech Fund: Sofinnova Partners

**Title: Discovering the Power of Industrial Biotechnology with Sofinnova Partners**


Welcome to our video production where we explore the fascinating world of industrial biotechnology. At Sofinnova Partners, we are passionate about leveraging biotechnology to create a sustainable future for food, agriculture, materials, and chemicals. Join us as we dive deep into the role of biotech in solving crucial challenges such as food waste, greenhouse gas emissions, and biodiversity.

Did you know that biotechnology has been a part of our lives for thousands of years? From fermenting to producing wine and cheese, we have been using biotech in more primitive forms since ancient times. Today, the scope of biotech extends beyond energy and drugs. It encompasses everything that can be touched, used, and manufactured.

Industrial biotech holds immense potential for transforming our world. By developing sustainable methods to produce concrete and cement, we can create a lasting impact on the environment. Likewise, finding effective ways to protect crops from pests without harmful chemicals can revolutionize farming practices and safeguard farmers’ health.

At Sofinnova Partners, we are committed to investing in companies that have the power to make a significant difference in addressing global challenges. Our focus is on aligning society’s understanding of the potential of biotechnology in industrial contexts. Together, we can accelerate the adoption of biotech solutions that outperform existing alternatives.

As an impact fund, our goal is to not just talk, but also walk the path of making a measurable impact. We actively measure the reduction of CO2 emissions and fossil feedstock usage to gauge the success of our investments. Join us on this journey to create a better world through biotechnology.

Founded in 1991, Sofinnova Partners has been a pioneer in biotech investment. We recognized early on that biotech could create a better world, not just in healthcare but across various industries. Our team consists primarily of scientists who understand the complexities of the science behind biotech. We also have a strong network of industry professionals who can bring biotech innovations to market.

When you invest in Sofinnova Partners, you invest in innovation. We support early-stage projects and ideas, bridging the gap between scientific research and commercial success. Join us in ensuring a sustainable future for our planet through the power of biotechnology.


– [Marimba prod YouTube Channel](
– [Sofinnova Partners Website](

Our vidéo production for Sofinnova Partners
©Marimba prod – Oct 2022

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