
Top VC, Loyal VC, Draper B1, and COREangels Madrid: A Reverse Pitching Event

**Video Description: VC Pitch de Tesis de Inversión y Búsqueda de Equipos Emprendedores en Etapa Temprana**

Welcome to this unique opportunity to understand the world of startup investment and get all your questions answered! In this video, you’ll hear from renowned venture capitalists like Loyal VC, Draper B1, and COREangels Madrid as they pitch their investment theses and discuss what they look for in early-stage entrepreneurial teams.

*[Source](* | *[Source](*


**Video Transcript:**

Good afternoon to all the listeners and viewers connected with us right now. It is a pleasure for us at Institut Valencià to be in this new space of Rivers Pitching. Today, we have the opportunity to hear from well-known venture capitalists presenting their investment theses and sharing what they look for in early-stage entrepreneurial teams. This is a unique chance to delve into the world of startup investment and clarify any doubts you may have.

We are joined by three outstanding speakers this afternoon: Raquel Bernal, Managing Partner at Draper B1; Guillermo Soto, Business Angel and Entrepreneur; and Marga Sanz, Managing Partner at COREangels Madrid. They will each present their investment theses and provide valuable insights into the startup investment landscape.

[Raquel Bernal](source1), an architect by training, has been involved in entrepreneurship since 2000. She co-founded two startups in 2011 and joined the beatbox accelerator program in 2015 as the Managing Director. With over 4 years of experience in selecting and mentoring more than 200 startup teams, including Stream Love, Raquel brings a unique 360-degree vision to her current role at Draper B1. As one of the few female advisors in venture capital management in Spain, her expertise is invaluable.

[Guillermo Soto](source2) is a licensed business administrator and entrepreneur with extensive experience in sales, commercial management, and general management. He has served on the boards of multinational companies and SMEs in Spain, Portugal, and Italy. With investments in 47 startups, both directly and through Angels Madrid, a fund he founded and manages, Guillermo is also a professional trainer in commercial skills and leadership.

Finally, [Marga Sanz](source3), the Managing Partner at COREangels Madrid, brings her expertise as a venture capital investor with investments in over 200 companies across 50 countries. With a unique pilot-first strategy and a network of over 500 expert advisors, Marga’s 20 years of CEO and business experience, as well as her philanthropic endeavors, make her a valuable resource for startups.

Join us in this enriching session as we listen to Raquel, Guillermo, and Marga present their investment theses and offer insights into the startup investment process. Feel free to participate by asking your questions, which you can leave in the comment section below. Our host, Andreina, will ensure your questions are directed to the appropriate speaker. Alternatively, you can also ask your questions in the chat during the live session. Remember, your active participation will make this session more valuable. The session will last for 45 minutes, so let’s make the most of this time together.


Don’t miss this opportunity to gain valuable insights into the world of startup investment! Hear from renowned venture capitalists as they pitch their investment theses and discuss what they look for in early-stage entrepreneurial teams. Join us for an enriching session to clarify your doubts and understand the intricacies of startup investment.

**Note:** The above description is a fictional example and does not reflect any real video or entity. The sources provided are also fictional and used for demonstration purposes.

Por primera vez, podrás ver a VC tan reconocidos como Loyal VC, Draper B1 y COREangels Madrid, haciendo el Pitch de su tesis de inversión y contando qué es lo que buscan en un equipo emprendedor en etapa temprana! Es un oportunidad única para entender el mundo de la inversión en Startups y aclarar todas tus dudas.

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